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Understanding groin pain and its symptoms

The muscular system is one of the most important systems in the human body with over 700 known types making up at least half the body weight of an average person. Muscles assist in your movements which is made up of muscle tissue, tendons, nerves and blood vessels, working together assisting in various movements and activities you perform on a day to day basis.

Gorin pain results from putting stress beyond what the muscles can handle in the groin region and thigh muscles. Resultant complications include overstretching or even muscle tear which can be very painful and will need immediate medical assistance.

This injury is normally experienced by sports athletes or people who are very active, performing a variety of physical exercises and are involved in physical routines which include rapid or repetitive movements.

The severity of the condition is divided into three distinct categories:

  • Mild pain resulting in limited loss of movement or strength is placed as first-degree pain. This will again depend on different pain thresholds of people, thus varying levels of the same can be classified under first-degree pain.
  • Tissue damage may lead to mild or moderate groin pain which might result in movements being affected or restricted. In this case, the muscles are still able to function. However, you might expect visible discomfort when it comes to performing strenuous activities.
  • A complete tear of the muscle will lead to severe pain beyond one’s threshold and will limit any movement and function. Muscle strength is affected drastically and the recovery treatment and time for such a groin pull will be slow and painful.

Noticeable signs and symptoms of groin pain include:

  • Pain experienced in the crotch region or even inside the thigh. The muscle might feel very tender due to overstretching or a tear, which is a clear call for immediate medical attention.
  • Pain experienced while moving your legs. For example, you might experience a sharp pain while bringing your legs together which is one of the indicators of developing groin pain.
  • Pain experienced while raising your knee from normal sitting or even standing position.
  • Severe groin pain experienced due to a sudden snap or pop feeling which can be the result of muscle tear.

There are a number of home remedies which you can try to relieve most of the pain and aid in a speedy recovery. However, medical assistance is advised since it might not be easy to judge the severity of the condition at home. Persisting pain might lead to other complications over time which is why consulting a medical professional will be a good idea.

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