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3 popular hair removal techniques to choose from

Waxing is a common method of hair removal; however, the whole process of waxing can test your patience as it can be extremely annoying. Apart from waxing, there are a variety of hair removal techniques out there, and each has an own set of pros and cons to offers. The best one tends to vary upon personal needs and preferences. Below are some of the popular and easy hair removal techniques to choose from.

Shaving is the most popularly used hair removal technique. It simply works by cutting off your hair on the skin level itself. Shaving is one of the most painless techniques for hair removal as long as you are careful enough to not cut yourself. Simply taking precautionary measures like using a shaving cream or oil and opting for sharp blades reduces the possibility of razor burns or any irritation caused after shaving. Depending on the type of the razor and the number of blades, a razor can cost you anywhere between $2 and $20. Usually, shaving does not last for a long period as the hair is being removed only at the skin level, and therefore, it grows quickly.

The laser is a long-lasting hair removal technique that destroys the hair from the roots with the use of light. The pain experienced during hair removal through laser is often moderate and feels similar to a rubber band being snapped against the skin. However, everybody has a different tolerance level of pain, which tends to vary from person to person. The laser also happens to be one of the most expensive hair removal treatments as it can cost anywhere between $200 and $900.

Depilatory creams
One of the quick and go-to hair removal options is using a depilatory cream to dissolve the hair. Smear a thick layer of cream on the desired area, leave it for a few minutes, and wipe off using the spatula tool. This method is usually painless and you might only have a slight tingling sensation. If you experience a burning sensation or any pain when you smear the cream on the skin, wash it off immediately. One of the drawbacks is that depilatory creams don’t usually have a pleasant order due to the chemicals present in them. Depilatory creams are available at most medical stores and cost anywhere from $4 to $14. However, the results do not last for a long time and the hair tends to regrow in a few days.

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